Guinness World Records Super Tiere Vol. 1
Kategorie: Vegetarische & vegane Küche, Alte Kochbücher, Kochen für Feste & Partys
Autor: Andrea Heistinger
Herausgeber: Cecilia Havmöller
Veröffentlicht: 2016-01-06
Schriftsteller: Patrick Rosenthal
Sprache: Arabisch, Korsisch, Indonesisch, Slowenisch
Format: Audible Hörbücher, Kindle eBook
Autor: Andrea Heistinger
Herausgeber: Cecilia Havmöller
Veröffentlicht: 2016-01-06
Schriftsteller: Patrick Rosenthal
Sprache: Arabisch, Korsisch, Indonesisch, Slowenisch
Format: Audible Hörbücher, Kindle eBook
Daigo Umehara - Wikipedia - After getting 2nd place in Nagoya Street Battle 15 (July 4), Umehara joined Evolution 2010 on July 9-11 and faced a tougher challenge than before with over 1,700 players from around the world participating in the Super Street Fighter IV tournament. Nevertheless, Umehara secured a win without ever dropping into the Losers bracket. The live stream of the event set a new record with an approximate 48,000 viewers at its peak across its two channels
Human body | Guinness World Records - Longest nose on a living person. The longest nose on a living person measures 8.8 cm (3.46 in) from the bridge to the tip and belongs…. Record.
Página Oficial de Guinness World Records | Guinness World ... - Joyero Indio establece un título de Guinness World Records con 12,638 diamantes en un anillo. ¡Importante! El mango más pesado del mundo se cosechó en Guayatá (Boyacá), así lo certificó la Organización World Records Guinness ( @gwr_es) el pasado jueves #29deAbril, la fruta creció en la Finca San Martín y pesó 4.25kg. [Hilo]
World Beer Records - Extreme Beer - Beer and Brewing - World records are all about extremes. World Beer Records may be considered even more extreme, because they are related to an external substance (beer) that inspires the most imaginative innovation in the human brain. Recent records of these extremes have been recorded by Guinness World Records, but there are some that existed before the record books were kept.
Home | Guinness World Records - Zuschauer testen ihr Rekordwissen in „GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS - Die 33 spektakulärsten Rekorde der Welt" in SAT.1. 333 Saisons und fast 1000 Titel: Fußballfan stellt Rekord für längstes Football-Manager-Spiel auf.
10 Incredible Guinness World Records - - An American, Jason McNabb, ate 66 grams (2.33 oz) of Bhut Jolokia chilli peppers in two minutes on June 19, 2013. And all this happened right on the set of 'Guinness World Records Unleashed' in Los Angeles, California, USA. This one will burn your taste buds, for sure! 3. Male who held his breath the longest.
British Hit Singles & Albums - Wikipedia - British Hit Singles & Albums was a music reference book originally published in the United Kingdom by the publishing arm of the Guinness breweries, Guinness Superlatives. Later editions were published by HiT Entertainment. It listed all the singles and albums featured in the Top 75 pop charts in the UK. In 2004 the book became an amalgamation of two earlier Guinness publications, originally known as British Hit Singles and British Hit Albums. The publication of this amalgamation ...
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World Records for Push-Ups - record holders - one-armed, 30 minutes: 1382; Doug Pruden (CAN), 30 July 2003 at the Body Quest Health Club Edmonton. one-armed, 10 minutes: 546; Doug Pruden (CAN), 30 July 2003 at the Body Quest Health Club Edmonton. one-armed, 10 minutes (women): 180; Alicia Weber(USA) on 23 September 2011 in Clermont, Florida.
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Guiness Book World Record: Largest Cigar Box Ensemble! by ... - Tier 0: $1-$5 Donation $1 to $5 Donation: You will receive a hardy thank you email and the satisfaction of helping us set a new World record of the "Largest cigar box guitar ensemble." And also a link to the video of this historical event!
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Guinness (Bier) - Wikipedia - Guinness Draught wird mit einem Gemisch aus 30 Prozent Kohlendioxid und 70 Prozent Stickstoff gezapft, wodurch das Guinness einen eigenen Geschmack erhält und der Schaum cremiger und haltbarer wird. Die meisten anderen Biere werden nur mit Kohlendioxid gezapft. Eine Besonderheit ist das in den Dosen enthaltene floating widget, das erst beim Öffnen der Dose das Gas freigibt und somit das Bier ...
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Men's World Records - Track & Field News - Men's World Records. World Records are those officially ratified by the IAAF. We have also listed the statistically best-acceptable marks in other non-ratified events that are "frequently" contested (+). If the ratified WR is altitude-aided—, made at an altitude over 1000 meters in an event where the thinner air has a positive ...
Sign in | Guinness World Records - The Guinness World Records Official site with ultimate record-breaking facts & achievements. Do you want to set a world record? Are you Officially Amazing?
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Guinness World Records - Wikipedia - Guinness World Records ist heute eine Firma mit Firmensitz in London und beschäftigt etwa 50 Mitarbeiter, die die Rekordfälle bearbeiten. Der Name ist auch eine eingetragene Marke, unter der das Konzept vermarktet wird. Das „Hollywood Guinness Museum", in dem Exponate zu anerkannten Rekorden gezeigt werden, befindet sich in Los Angeles .
Home | Guinness World Records - The Guinness World Records official site with ultimate record-breaking facts & achievements. Do you want to set a world record? Are you Officially Amazing?
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